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"Lizzie's Active Multiplication Programme" is registered with the CPD Standards Office.

Times tables are a brilliant brain exercise and the building blocks for learning long multiplication, division, fractions and percentages.

Each multiplication table has its own theme and set of action patterns with conceptual understanding embedded in the physical engagement. The classroom based learning is also supported by an optional set of allied P.E. games.

Boys in particular, are eager to participate as they quickly acquire understanding and knowledge with this "Learning on the Move" approach.

"We force boys to sit still all day, to be polite and sedate. Education needs reform, it needs parents to see boys aren't being taught the way they were designed"

Tim Samuels: "Who Stole my Spear"

"Boys have more of their cerebral cortex defined for spatial relationships. As a result they learn through movement and visual experience. Because girls have more serotonin and oxytocin, they can sit for longer periods of time."

Dr Gail Goss: Human Behaviour, Parenting and Education Expert


"Some children find it very difficult to learn their times tables and this approach has been a tremendous boost for them. All the children have made progress using the method, and some have gone from simply not knowing their tables, to having perfect recall."

John Cosgrove, Headteacher, Christ the King Catholic Primary School, Reading

"The programme has had an immediate and positive impact on pupils, staff and parents alike. We know that the programme will also help more pupils achieve success in the national multiplication test administered in Year 4. Learning your times table in a fun and interactive way has caught on in other year groups too and more and more pupils are 'doing the moves' enthusiastically."

Sharifah Lee, Deputy Headteacher, Dorney Primary School, Maidenhead

"We knew times tables was a weakness for our children and significantly impacting on their maths learning, so we sent some staff to the CPD training. The children now really enjoy their times tables sessions, they love the fact it's very active learning. It's a very practical and kinaesthetic approach and there's lots of repetition which has enabled the children to become much more secure in their knowledge and make very good progress."

Shelly Hancock, Headteacher, Geoffrey Field Junior School, Whitley

"LAMP has been so well received in our school. We have a high number of Pupil Premium children who have benefited from it and in the classes, children have improved their accuracy and scores by 20% which is fantastic. It's a method that caters for all abilities and is a really supportive strategy for the multiplication test in Year 4"

Ruth Thompson, Deputy Headteacher, Whitley Park Primary School

"Lizzie and her team have worked very successfully with a group of PPG and SEND pupils in Year 5. They have previously really struggled to learn and retain their multiplication tables. Having attended a weekly "multiplication through movement" intervention with Lizzie and her team, they have learned their 7, 8, 9 & 12 tables off by heart, performing the movement lined tables in sequential and random order with new found confidence. Their class teachers are thrilled with the results."

Nathan Butler Broad, Headteacher Battle Primary Academy School, Reading

"My son in Year 4 really enjoyed the active times multiplication programme. He found it fun and was able to recite fully through this programme. I would highly recommend this to all children and parents as it helps encourage learning through fun and movement."

Raj Keshvara, Chair of Governors, Dorney Primary School, Maidenhead